Traveling Is The Ultimate Education
It's easy to believe that the world is evil, dangerous, and full of corrupt people – just read through the headlines of any major news source. We've personally come across many people who are afraid to travel because of what they read or hear. But we travel because, opposed to what the media would have us believe, we have found that the overwhelming majority of people all over the world are kind, selfless, and giving. For every negative experience we've had, we've had one hundred more positive experiences.
Whether sailing the Virgin Islands (our most recent trip), backpacking Europe, riding scooters through Vietnam, or Trekking across Peru, we have had people go out of their way to help us. And with each new culture we experience and fall in love with, we gain a deeper appreciation for life and a greater desire to give back. As we travel, we realize that experiences in life are much more valuable than stuff.Traveling truly is the ultimate education.
Thanks to our friends and fellow adventurers, Michelle and Ryan. Be sure to follow their travels at: @Copenhaven and @RyanMarvin